Money Money
Issue #04: Editorial
Money makes the world go round...
... or not? Many countries are still mired in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Some things have changed, but it is still business as usual the most part. The banks continue to gamble away our money, and in many places the taxpayer has ultimately been forced to foot the bill for the banks’ virtual monopoly. People around the world are unsure of how to protect their property and alternative payment systems are springing up like mushrooms. We asked ourselves what an economy based on alternative currency and new financial models might look like, and talked to a lot of people who have explored these issues and were willing to share their ideas for restructuring the world economy.
What if we took the right to generate money away from the banks? How do virtual currencies like Bitcoin work? What are the advantages of local currencies? And how can people with low credit scores achieve financial security? How can social start-ups make money? And how can we all avoid the negative effects of free trade and price dumping? We looked into all these fascinating and timely questions, and found some equally riveting answers.
In recent weeks, we have done our part to help people and companies make money by presenting job offers that look beyond earning a living to truly have a positive impact. We are part of the “GoodJobs” network that aims to become the leading job market for responsible companies. Check under “Specials”>“Job Offers” to see the range of jobs on offer. New jobs go up all the time, and we keep the site up-to-date. If you represent a company that shares our principles and have an opening with social impact, please let us know. We’ll be happy to help you find just the right people to fill the position.
We hope you find some inspiration in our colourful mix of topics all about money. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a tale of your own to tell about a successful financial model.
PS: Our money soundtrack is well worth a listen, by the way. Our thanks go out to Eyal Datz from SUAN who put it all together for us!
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