The Future of Mobility
Stunning mobility innovations from around the worldImagine the year 2050! How will we be moving within our cities? Nextmobility has crowd-sourced ideas for future mobility from around the world. Read More

How will we be moving in our cities in the future?
Nextmobility is an initiative that has crowd-sourced ideas for future mobility from around the world. People shared their vision, ideas or best practice examples for future urban mobility on next and during sessions.
But what was it for? - you might well ask: Nextmobility set up eleven theses on how we might be moving in the cities of tomorrow.
01 Innovative and more efficient vehicle types will be promoted
02 Traffic will be more self-organized and self-organizing
03 Inner cites will be almost free of big motor vehicles
04 Inner-city streets will become livable spaces
05 Bicycles will become the main mode of transport
06 Sharing will be the new owning
07 Everybody will be a mobility provider
08 Transport of goods will be mostly local
09 Freights and passengers will go together
10 The end commuting: suburbia will become proper urban centers
11 Our cities will offer mobility experimental zones
Curious to know which innovations are behind these thesis?
Have a look at the next page!
Innovative & more efficient VEHICLE TYPES
Evacuated Tubes travel from NY to Beijing in 2 hours. - © 2010-2013 ET3 Global Alliance, Inc., Longmont, Co, USA Australia: boat powered in part by solar energy. © Nicolás Boullosa, Spain Evacuated Tubes
It is an airless, frictionless, maglev-like form of transportation which is safer, cheaper and quieter than trains or airplanes, and it is perfect to connect the metropolitan areas all over the world. Six-persons capsule travel in the tubes and can reach a maximum speed of 6,500 km/h, and provide 50 times more transportation per kWh. A capsule can travel from NY to Los Angeles in 45 minutes, from NY to Beijing in two hours and make a round-the-world trip in just six hours. This way of transport is still a vision.
Find further information at et3.
Hybrid vehicles with renewable energy sources engine
In Australia new hybrid vehicles have been created especially for water transport (on ferries, yachts, tankers) which combine electric motors powered by solar, wind and marine energy, and normal combustion engines. The concept can be adapted also for inland vehicles like cars and buses.
Further information at Solarsailor.
Innovative & more efficient vehicle types
A transport vision: Hover cars - © Volkswagen via YouTube Shweeb monorail - © Shweeb Hover cars
Volkswagen has started to develop a project, the People’s Car, using the innovative maglev technologies for small private vehicles. Chengdu’s subsoil has many unique minerals; maglev or hover cars use cutting-edge technology and react with the minerals underground to float. The project could provide an alternative to cumbustion engine vehicles, ensuring also a higher level of efficiency, safety and freedom of movements.
More information in this video.
Shweeb monorail
Shweeb is monorail circuits, from which highly efficient pedal-powered pods are hanged. The users lie back in a recumbent position and move with pedals: the speed of 45 km/h is easily reachable with a little effort. The first pilot project is funded by Google, called now Agroventures Adventure Park, consists of 200 metre track in Rotorua City, New Zeland. A possible replication in an urban environment could guarantee a safe and sustainable new mode of transport.
Further information on the Shweeb website.
More self-organized traffic
A vision of smart streets - © BIG Smart streets: Changing pavements
The group of BIG architects elaborates a vision for the city of tomorrow, in which vertical building facades appear unchanged, but the pavement is transformed into a reprogrammable surface replacing the fixed elements of driveway, sidewalk or square; these smart streets will enable the city to adapt to the changes of urban life like traffic flows or reacts in real time.Further information at archdaily.
Reducing car parking slots gives inner city space back to the public - © Springtime Remove car parks
The car parking slots in Copenhagen decreased due to the installations of cycle lanes, bicycle parking, new pedestrian areas, reallocation of street space for bus lanes and removing curbside parking near intersections. This reduced the number of private cars moving and entering the city daily and achieved a shift to a more sustainable way of transport by bicycles.
Further information.
Liveable spaces: Person Parking
Within the frame of the Duepercinque contest, a creative solution for a parking slot of 2×5 meter (due per cinque) by Springtime has been initiated as a project part of a Public Design Festival competition in Milan. It consists of a human parking slot, whose aim it is to give the parking space back to the public. “Person Parking” seems to be made for low-traffic areas, but can easily be used to extend the liveable spaces on big boulevards.
Further information.
Less cars in inner cities
Car free day in Jakarta - © Gunawan Kartapranata Campaign in Sweden made commuters switch to public transport - © Forsman & Bodenfors for Västtrafik Car free day
Many municipalities all over the world organize car free days in order to encourage the inhabitants to use public transport or bicycles, to reduce the emissions of pollution (even if this lasts only for one day), to widen up the open space for pedestrians and to increase the quality of a city. The case of Jakarta, where the quality of life is relatively low due to the amount of road congestion problems, shows how successful a car free day can be: since the day was launched in 2007, it has been repeated monthly.
Further information.
Commuters opting for public transport
In 2010, a commuter experiment launched an information and promotional public campaign, whose aim it was to attract new users for the public transport system among the car commuting group in the Gothenburg region, Sweden. Car owners, who are interested in switching to public transport and match to the criteria of the campaign, received a free two-week ticket. After the ‘experiment’ was ended, the public transportation provider announced an increasment of 20% more applications for commuter ticket cards.
Further information.
Bicycles as main mode of transport
Cycling highway in Copenhagen - © Ursula Bach for Supercykelstier Bycicle garage in Amsterdam - © Fietsberaad Cycling Highways
In Copenhagen, one third of the inhabitants uses its bike for daily routes, but also for long-distance commuting. For this reason, a network of 26 new “cycling superhighways” is being built to link the surrounding suburbs with Copenhagen.
Those bicycle lanes are for fast and long rides. Footrests with bars to lean on at a stop on traffic lights are also implemented as well as bicycle pumps every mile in case of a flat, all to make bikes more attractive to Copenhagen’s citizens.
Further information.
Bicycle garageThe Netherlands are famous all over the world for being bicycle-friendly. The tower at the town center side of the main train station in Amsterdam is the oldest and most striking temporary facility. The tourist office has already adopted this building as a landmark for foreign visitors. It was opened in 2001 and officially houses 2,500 bicycles. However, mostly more than 4,000 bikes park in this garage.
Car, bike and bus sharing: it’s all about the right offer in the right place at the right time! - © Nexthamburg Car, bike and bus sharing
Whether you take a bus, metro, car2go, ferry, go by bike or even rent a car — it’s all about the right offer in the right place at the right time! By using the switchh-app you can easily and comfortably make use of new offers of individual mobility in the City of Hamburg and switch among the different mobility providers with less stress and costs.
Further information.
Robot legs, segways & mini-cars
During the Expo 1985 in Japan, futuristic vehicles such as robot legs, segways and one-person-cars were presented. It was allowed to visitors to drive them between the pavilions on the Expo area. Based on the success of this experiment, Tsukuba city has announced its plan to provide robotic vehicles on public roads for sharing purposes within the next years. Small personal mobility vehicles, which have been further developed and produced, have less impact on the environment and are expected to be used in urban areas for short-distance trips.
Since 2013, the city of Tsukuba is actually testing the use of Segways in the city centre.
Further information on the expo and the segway experiment.
Innovative inner-city transport of goods
Micro-carrier e-vehicles carry out short distance, door-to-door deliveries - © Werner Schönewolf Safe & economical: underground transportation pipelines. © visaplan GmbH for CargoCap GmbH
Small carriers
Since congestion, caused by commuters and the distribution of goods, is one of the main problems of innercities, the EU research program of Freight Innovative Delivery of Goods in European Urban Space (FIDEUS) developed and produced, together with FIAT, micro-carrier e-vehicles for short distance, door-to-door or just-in-time deliveries. The project was launched in Berlin in 2010. The first-generation-vehicle is able to carry up to 300 kilos with a maximum operating speed is 5 km/h.
Further information.
Cargo cap
It is a safe and economical way to carry goods fast and on time in congested urban areas by underground transportation pipelines. This innovative concept is the outcome of the interdisciplinary collaboration in research and development at the Ruhr University of Bochum. Transportation is effected on the basis of intelligent vehicles - the caps. Each cap is designed for the transportation of two euro-pallets, which represent the majority of the general inner-European cargo means of transportation, and can thus be carried through pipelines with a diameter of 2.0 m.
Further information.
Freights and passengers will go together
In Amsterdam, trams and e-cars deliver goods. © David Cockle In the future, multi-level tracks could bundle trains, cars, bicycles & pedestrian ways. © Höweler + Yoon Architecture
Less trucks in the city: Cargo tram
The project was launched in 2007 by CityCargo Amsterdam, Netherland with the objective of reducing the number of trucks in the innercity. Due to its success, it was allowed to use the passengers tram network to transport goods for the next 10 years. CityCargo has 50 cargo trams and around 400 e-cars that already operate since 2008 in order to supply shops, supermarkets and the catering industry in the center of Amsterdam with goods. The system is also very cost efficient: one cargo tram is able to transport the same amount of goods as four trucks.
Further information.
Vision for the future: SharewayHöweler and Yoon Architecture elaborated a model of infrastructural shared ways, which bundles high speed passenger and freight trains, commuter trains, personal cars and parking spaces, bicycles and pedestrian ways on a multi-level track. These mobility corridors will be the only transport axis within an urban environment. The shift of mobility functions into corridors implies that there will be more space for other living uses. The concept is the winner of the Audi Urban Future 2030 Competition in 2012 and is a vision for the Boston/Washington metropolitan region.
Further information.
The end of commuting
Suburbia become proper urban centers © Fernando Stankuns Suburbia will become proper urban centres
Brazil: Ufo within outskirts
Between 2000 and 2004, 31 prefabricated futuristic structures were implemented in Sao Paulo’s outskirt neighborhoods, characterized by poverty and exclusion. They provide public facilities like daycare, preschool, elementary school, adult education, work school, library, theater, a sports field, swimming pool, playground, internet centers and administration offices. With their installation, the quality of life within the favelas increased and the undistinguished neighborhoods had finally a center of identification within the community.
Further information.
NEXT in your city:
Imagine you have the power to change one place in your city. What places should be developed or preserved? What are the hidden visions of the future?
There are Next projects in Hamburg, Bangalore and Istanbul. Let’s build together a map of the possible future of these vibrant metropoles.
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